Home Hemodialysis Videos


I help my grandfather with his nocturnal dialysis at home. I’ve uploaded some videos of our setup, including showing how I set up the machine and connect his bloodlines.

videos: www.DiscoverDialysis.com

Hopefully these types of videos are useful in helping you if you’re considering doing home dialysis.

My grandfather does nocturnal hemodialysis at home four nights per week, and I look after all aspects of his dialysis at home (including machine setup, dialysis treatment, troubleshooting, supplies and monthly bloodwork).

I’m happy to answer any questions & good luck with your dialysis journey!


Thanks, Michael! As soon as the video started, I figured out that you and your grandfather weren’t in the US, because we don’t have a Gambro home HD machine here. :slight_smile: Great job on the videos! Did they teach you to recap the heparin needle? That’s a tricky maneuver (to avoid poking yourself), but I’m not sure what an alternative would be to keep the needle clean…

You’re correct, Dori - we’re in Canada! Which machines used in the US for nocturnal patients?

Also, good point about the heparin needle - I hadn’t thought about that. I’m trying to remember how we did it in training, but perhaps a one-handed approach would be safer (leaving the cap on the table and sliding the needle back in).

Can’t get the video to load but will tweak my browser later.

The AK96s is my previous dialysis machine, used to do alternate days. Changed location and training an a Fresenius 5008s… Really far too many bells and whistles for home heamo, but only Fres and NXstage are offered in my new unit and the NXstage prescription is 6 days a week.

The Gambro is a great little machine for static home heamo.

[QUOTE=JW77;23591]Can’t get the video to load but will tweak my browser later.

The AK96s is my previous dialysis machine, used to do alternate days. Changed location and training an a Fresenius 5008s… Really far too many bells and whistles for home heamo, but only Fres and NXstage are offered in my new unit and the NXstage prescription is 6 days a week.

The Gambro is a great little machine for static home heamo.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for noticing that the video didn’t load - I’ve fixed it and it should load now (YouTube had changed it’s “embed video” code).

Fresenius 5008s is a great machine, very cool that it’s available for home dialysis.

The one thing I wish AK95 had was the ability to monitor % UF removal (to monitor for excessive fluid removal and help with setting target weights), but yes it’s a very reliable machine for home dialysis.

Hi Micheal, thanks for sharing these helpful videos. Surely the Gambro is the little magic keep on the good work…Good Luck!!

I’ll try and do some home vids of of my news setup when I’m up and running. Training is nearly at an end but a pain to travel an hour to the hospital as they don’t offer training at the nearest satellite unit. Renal is suffering HUGE cutbacks in the UK, its ‘starting’ to affect patients, and is already affecting staff, reduced banding, funding and such, which in itself has a knock on effect. BREXIT uncertainty hasn’t much helped but I think SOMETHING, was necessary… I don’t dwell on politics too much but sometimes its unavoidable, we all seem to have to fight, and beg for anything these days!

The ARTIS is a bit of a beast, but I’m not entirely sure if its aimed at home or unit treatment. Some elements remind me a lot of the Fresenius 5008s…