CCPD machine power requirements

Hello everyone;

I am researching CCPD machine volt / amp requirements for a backup power supply. Cannot find specifications online. Generator use could be for several days at a time, fact of life while living in Florida.

Thanks in Advance for any input.

The best source of information about the specs for any dialysis machine would be the manufacturer or the home dialysis training nurse who would have the machine manual.

One advantage to being cross-trained in CAPD and having some CAPD supplies on hand is that if you have a power outage, you can still get all the dialysis that you need. You may just have to do dialysis manually 4 times a day to get enough dialysis.

With the strength of the hurricanes that have hit the U.S. lately, I’d say that it would be a good idea if you’re in the area where a hurricane may hit, evacuate and take your machine and enough supplies with you to last a few days. Remember take your medicines and the same medical information with you that you’d take if you were traveling for fun…and be sure to let your dialysis clinic and the company that sends your supplies know where you’ll be and how to reach you.

You should really consider all the electrical devices you would need to keep running at your residence. In my case I get water from a well so I need to run a substantial pump. You also might need air conditioning, lighting, and refrigeration. I use a 5KW generator (not name brand ~$600 from Home Depot) and hardly notice power outages in my rural location.

Obviously this is overkill, a small Honda generator that produces 200 to 500 watts would be more then adaquate for ccpd and/or dialisylate heater. Make sure it is easy to start and will not need refueling too often. Buy a long electrical extension cord so you can place the generator in a quiet location outside your home.

One more thing, a rough guide to properly size the generator would be to look at all the wattage label on each of the appliances you would be running at the same time and add them together. The wattage on large appliances with motors, like refrigerators, should be doubled to provide enough wattage to start the motor.