Exercise Club

Having been on multiple forms of dialysis for the past six years and realizing with recurrent fsgs that I will not be going to the Tranplant Olympics anytime soon, and needing some inspiration, fellowship and ecouragement I would like to invite my dialysis mates to join this thread as a means of logging your exercise. That is, if it is o.k. with Dori.

For example I will turn 42 next May around the same time we host our local National Kidney Foundation Walk. My exercise goal will be to run the 2.5 mile walk rather than walk it. I used to run 10K and 15Ks prior to ESRD onset and really enjoyed the training and the run. I didn’t run particularly fast and never came near winning but found that my clearest thinking was around mile three and onward. I miss that. Two years ago a friend pushed me the two miles in a wheelchair as I was recovering from a particularly awful failed transplant (number two). Last year I merely walked with my team - you guessed it - The Riverdudes.

So, over the next six months I will walk on my treadmill and outside when possible, pedal my stationary bike while dialyzing, and hopefully start to jog in a couple of months. I’ll post my progress here. For example, today I walked 1.5 miles.

I would love it if others did the same. Not as a competition rather as a place of mutual support and encouragement.

The following is a brief article on the importance of exercise for those of us fortunate to be on dialysis (those who aren’t forunate are dead - I’m not counting transplants for we know they are fortunate as well).


Perhaps from here we can approach NKF to sponsor the Dialysis Olympics.

Just remember all it takes is just “one step in front of the other. . .”

Cheers! Erich