Pain in ribs (peritoneal dialysis)

I respect your desire to fight for your health. With the physical limitations and pain I completely understand your desire to go back to hemodialysis. Be well and get the transplant!


Hey, shraven I admire your determination to protect your health :slight_smile:

Thanks Matt. An update for everyone who helped me think about what to do:

I got a new shunt earlier this year and had the tube for PD removed (two separate hospitalizations) and have been doing hemodialysis again since the shunt became operational. Due to the inadequate dialysis from PD, I had lost sensation in my chest and feet (polyneuropathy) but sensation has since then mostly returned (some numbness in chest area but it’s nothing like before). I had also developed psychological problems, which the doctors didn’t realize were connected to the PD. As soon as I switched back to hemo, I felt fine again. It would have been a mistake to see a psychiatrist, as the dialysis doctor had suggested. The rib pain went away after PD was stopped.

Last week I suddenly developed a clot in my old shunt (no longer in use) and ended up in hospital for emergency surgery to remove it and to remove an artificial vein that they had implanted back in 2017 or so (that’s where the clot was). They hadn’t removed it in the last operation because it would have been too complicated, but this time they had to do it. I hope I can get at least some extended period of quiet and no hospitalization now, I’m so sick of ending up in hospital every few months. The early days of dialysis (2011-2018) were great in comparison; I think I wasn’t hospitalized even once.

Still waiting for a transplant, since 2011. Hopefully within the next 2-3 years.

Just wondering what you BUN and Cr were and Kt/V that you would have so many negative effects? Typically adequacy is something we have to chase because it doesn’t factor in BUN, Cr, or how a patient feels. Sometimes we sadly have to do extra treatments just to reach adequacy despite a patient feeling great,