
Ive always turned my nose up at cooking a fish whole (no head but had bones and skin intact), its was enough to turn me off eating the usual fish you buy.

Bear, what is a dialystor? :lol:
Ive been on dialysis 2 1/2 years this time round, before that was on PD for 9 months before I got a transplant.

I have had a salmon steak I cooked myself, it was nice, but the portion I cooked would of dont 2 people. I often wonder about sushi as you see everyone eating it, and its probly the healthier choice of takeaway. I wouldn’t get the sashimi kind though, yuck!

This thread has run out of steam but I wanted to thank you for starting it. My mother is on acute (hospital based) dialysis and living in an assisted care facility so can’t bake or cook. However she wants to have biscuits for when friends come around and ofcourse she wants to be able to have one too.

Having looked at the packets of biscuits only the most bland and cardboardy biscuits are suitable for a diabetic on dialysis. I’ve volunteered to do a weekly bake for her but raw ingredients are harder to control for sodium, fat and sugar levels.

I’d really appreciate it if anyone else could post any recipes they may have!

Check out the cookbook “Living Well on Dialysis” (103 pages). It has a recipe for biscuits and gravy (page 24). It breaks down the recipe for calories, carbohydrates, protein, fat, sodium, potassium phosphorus and gives renal and renal diet exchanges. If your mother only wants the biscuits, she could show the biscuit recipe to her dietitian and ask him/her to tell her what the composition is for the biscuit alone. It can be found on both of these websites: