About the Discussions for Dialysis Professionals category

If you work in the dialysis field as a technician, nurse, dietitian, social worker, nephrologist, or pharmacist, this forum is for you. Ask a question or share your wisdom. You are not alone! Please post your question to the appropriate category (PD or home HD).

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I am a Certified Renal Specialist with 11 years of full-time work experience in a large (>100 patients)urban in-center hemodialysis clinic. I realize the importance of getting involved and helping the growth of the home dialysis population. I want to build upon my knowledge and understanding of the similarities and differences between the modalities in hopes to be an asset to my organization and maintain job security as a renal dietitian. I’m here for insight regarding the direction I should be prepared to take in this rapidly changing field.

I’m sure that with your experience, you know much more than I do about diet and fluid differences among the different types of dialysis. Do you know about the Kidney School nutrition module (Module 9)? It might be helpful to your patients. It has different tracks for people on HD or PD and those with and without diabetes.

Home Dialysis Central has a closed Facebook group that includes patients, care partners, as well as renal professionals of all disciplines. You can find it at https://www.facebook.com/groups/HomeDialysisCentral/. Your experience would be welcome there.