Anyone got a good NHHD presentation?


I’m planning to inservice some local hospital units and MD offices about NHHD. I’m wondering if anyone has or has seen a good PowerPoint presentation. For that matter, I’d take any format.

I’ve got general modality presentations, but I’m trying to stay NHHD-specific, discussing the history, current stats, indications, benefits, etc. I started to build my own, but durned if it isn’t a lot of research!

Let me know!


Hi Nathan,

Have you looked on this site, under “Professional Resources (Clinical Outcomes)”? ( There are several slide presentations from luminaries in the field, like Dr. Twardowski, Dr. Rocco, and Dr. Lockridge that you can download. I suspect you’ll find them helpful.

Have you been to this fantastic Aussie website. It sure inspired me! 8)