Dori and beth appreciation day!

Wanted to pause and say THANKS for all you do to facilitate this site. Being on dialysis has been the battle of my life! There are certain individuals who deserve awards for being supportive- family members have loyally transported me to txs. for yrs. and serve as my advocates, the better medical ppl have treated me with professionalism, fellow patients, family members and medical staff, online, have provided encouragement, guidance, education and humor. A chronic illness is surmountable when these elements come into place and one actually becomes enriched as a result of such interactions.

So, Dori and Beth, I am sending you the 2006’ Internet Award for the Best Home Tx. Moderators 8) :lol: Thanks again for all you do and know that you are very much appreciated :wink:

Here you forgot to give them the award… :stuck_out_tongue:

I second that!!! Dori and Beth put their collective hearts and souls into what they do and it shows. Hugs to both of you for caring so much about dialysis pts… I don’t know what we’d do without both of you. Lin.

Ah gee, thanks guys! I’m sure Dori agrees…We get so much of our inspiration from all of you. Whenever I start to feel like I’m beating my head against the wall trying to promote home dialysis, I read a few messages from those of you doing home dialysis very successfully and it energizes me again. You can’t imagine how many times I’ve told people I’ve talked with who are facing dialysis and scared to death to read these message boards. It’s you guys that need an award.


Tip of the hat…

I thank all the folks on this page.

bobeleanor :slight_smile:

Thanks, y’all. :oops: <blushing>

I agree with Beth–there is nothing that makes my day more than having a dialyzor ask a detailed technical question that I don’t have a clue about and having someone else answer from experience! That’s exactly why we wanted these Boards–so folks would have a place to share their expertise and support each other.

You guys have surpassed all my expectations for how this would work!

There is no way I could possibly express the gratitude I feel toward all of you here, and especially Beth and Dori.

My husband has not yet started dialysis, but he is close. I cannot imagine how apprehensive and unprepared we would be if we had depended on the professionals(?) we have encountered for information and were waiting to go in center instead of NxStage training.

Information I have learned online from kind and generous posters, such as all of you here, has already improved my husband’s quality of life and most likely added many years to his life as well.

Thanks to you, Jane, as well, for reminding me to express my gratitude.


I also would like to show my appreciation to Dori & Beth for always being here to let us know there is life after dialysis.
