ER (television show)

Wondering if anyone saw the episode of ER last night, where Dr. Carter (Noah Wylie) was on dialysis. I found it fascinating. They showed a sneak peak of next weeks episode, where he is treating a patient and he starts bleeding through his shirt (obviously fistula) - but he hasn 't told any of his collegues that he is on dialysis so their reactions will be interesting.

He was dialyzing on a Gambro machine, identical to the one I have at home.

I am hoping that there was a large viewership - as it seems every single time my illness comes up, and I mention that I am on dialysis, nobody has a clue what that is. Hoping this show will change that. (Perhaps in my circle, being 29 doesn’t create the same awareness, but would love for more people to know what it’s all about).

Have a great weekend!

Kidney_Mom in Canada

HI Folks

Hi KidneyMom

thanks for the update. Will try to catch the show. I’ve other shows that showed a hint of someone on dialysis.

Most folks I meet have heard of dialysis ,but think in terms of ““in center only””. or PD home dialysis.

Bob O’Brien