Fistula Infection Control(Indiana University)

If you have a fistula, here is how it is to be cleaned, and best of all, it does not hurt.

  1. Wash your hands to the count of 20-30.
    2 Use Facial Buff Sponges(They are sold at Target) Rinse the sponge and put Anti-bacterial soap on the sponge, cleaning and removing scabs.
  2. Then, you will use Chlora Prep pads(3mgs) and clean the fistula to the count of 30, then throw the pad away.

When your treatment is completed, wash your hands to the count of 30.

  1. Use a cream called Gentamicin Sulfate Cream, 1%(I think that right). Put the cream on the white part of the bandage and cover the fistula sites for 2 hours after it is put on the site. If you do these things, you will stay out of the hospital and keep costs down.

If you have a scab and it is difficult, use alcohol wipes and put the wipes on the site, along with plastic tape for about 20 minutes, then it should be easy to clean off with the Facial Buff Sponges from Target.