Fresenius 5008S operators manual


Tried posting this in the patient forum, but little or no response.

I’m starting on a Fres machine in the next , and have been provided with a temporary copy of the very bulky Fresenius manual, which the staff want back.

I’d quite like to have a copy to hand. Is there an online, downloadable copy that I can get (without being wacked for download or making new accounts)

Help welcome



Here is a link to a pdf file of the manual. You may need to copy and paste it into your browser. Let us know if there is any trouble accessing it.


That seems to be for the 2008K not the S…

The S is the one with the ‘extra’ pump for re infusion

When I worked in dialysis there wasn’t as much available online as there is now. The home training nurse always gave the patient a printed manual to keep so they could read and troubleshoot issues if necessary. If you want an electronic copy of the manual, you might want to contact technical support at Fresenius to see if they can give you a link to download the manual.


I’ve been given the link to a Fres employee on another forum so may try that:
