Hi my name is Christy

Hi my name is Christy am new here I’m one of the patient is current on PD at home I do machine every night I’m 42 years old I was on hemodialysis almost 4 years I decide to do the PD instead hemodialysis it’s alot better be on PD I love it …know working on getting on kindey transplant list soon at the Indiana University at Indianapolis at IU if…and I’m a single mom with 1 son and I had kidney fauiler at 2017 and I thank God for him I’m still here with my family and my son…*

:innocent: …I’m here to chat meet new friends here and who on PD

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Hey, Christy, for some reason I landed on your post here while scanning Home Dialysis Central for info about home dialysis. I see you initially started on HD and now do PD? Me? I’m 47yo, was diagnosed with ESRD in September of 2018, have been doing HD since then. I’m very curious about doing PD at home instead of HD at Fresenius every other day. My clinic is pretty reluctant to talk about PD so I dont know much. Maybe you could just tell me about why and how you switched? Did you see any advantages to doing hemodialysis at a clinic? It looks like you put this up about a year ago, so you may never get this. But, if you had a few seconds to answer a few questions, I’d greatly appreciate it.
Thanks Christy.

I hope Christy will respond. In case she doesn’t, Home Dialysis Central’s website has information about treatment options, including PD at Home Dialysis Basics - Home Dialysis Central.

You can read patient stories about PD at Patient Stories - Home Dialysis Central.

Kidney School has an education module on treatment options at Table of Contents :: Kidney School™. See Module 2 plus any of the other modules that might be of interest to you.

Finally Home Dialysis Central has a Facebook group with people on home dialysis – PD and home HD at (4) Home Dialysis Central Discussion Group | Facebook. It’s a closed group that you have to request to join and answer a few simple questions to be admitted to the group. Because it’s closed, no one outside the group can see what you write. Members of the group include home dialysis patients and professionals who work with them. It’s not only educational, but supportive as well. I hope you consider joining.