Home Dialysis: Express Yourself

In case you missed my reply on the previous page, I did two replies and my second reply started a new page.

The few pennies I make on adsense pays for the bandwith for my host, but you wouldn’t know about that because your site uses very little bandwidth. As for cafepress I make NO money on ANY ITEMS that can be confirmed. As for the logo I made every attempt to contact the site that use to use the drawing and I am not using the whole logo just a fraction of it, the site that use to use the drawing (it was not a logo) has been offline for months. My site is not a non-profit I never said it was, If a member donates an amount I use every penny for hosting, bandwidth, domain name renewals, etc, etc.
I’m not sure what you mean by resouces that I borrow, I built my site from scratch unlike your site using a content management system and templetes. Who’s attacking who here gus. Man you get pissed real easy.
Calm down, man. You are the one attacking me, I was just stating the obvious. Is it not true my site inspired all of the changes on your site?

It’s ok, everyone knows the truth.

P.S. Yes, my site is the first to offer unique things to dialysis related websites. Such as a games section where members can compete.

But anyway, yeah that’s a good design, I never said you suck at designing, I like it. But seriously didn’t you get the idea from me? come on just admit it. :wink: I got my inspiration for my site from brumleys old site, “Dialysis Online”. We are both patients gus fighting this struggle, why should we fight each other. The internet is a huge place. We can all get along. I was just messing with you getting your goat. Just giving you a hard time. You took it to personal then we both got out of hand. You really pissed me off when you said I use multiple names on my site, I don’t know what would make you say that. :frowning:

But regardless I apolgise for messing with you. Let’s just get along. Maybe you can put your expertise in 3D design to work and design me a new logo. :shock:

  • Epoman

Boy, boys…<sigh> You go off for a few hours on a Friday night and a flame war breaks out. Not cool. In the future, please refrain from attacking each other, now that you have had your chance to bop each other publically. I’ll delete any future posts that smack of bopping. :smiley:

Dori, I vote that you delete each flame post on this thread…it just looks ugly and bad for your board… please do that now, I am with you… :smiley:

Sorry Dori, no disrespect to the site. We are done. Just two admins giving the members a show. :smiley:

As for gus’s comment about deleting this thread I am against it. Why hide it? Unless Gus is embarrased because he knows I’m right. I’m glad I inspired you gus. :wink: Keep up the good work.

As for this comment you made gus:

Absolutely not, your idea is not original…there’s literally thousands of people beeing served by digital printhouses all over the net…your not one…your a tiny figament among the happy thousands…

I was not talking about the printhouse aspect gus, I’m talking about WHO else besides me started selling dialysis related shirts, mugs, bumper stickers, etc, etc. correct me if I’m wrong. Please show me a site that is older than mine and is doing that. OR show me a dialysis site that offers games their members can play and compete with each other, well besides yours of course. :wink: I was the first. End of story. One more thing some me a site that has a game like “kidney Kickups” that was my original idea. :slight_smile:

So hopefully Dori you will keep this thread up and the very least just lock if you wish.

  • Epoman

I think there is much wisdom in Dale Ester’s rules for online communication. These rules include strict prohibitions against solicitations.

As I posted previously in this thread I would patronize a Home Dialysis Central Logo store and I think that should be a section of the refreshed website.

That sounds reasonable, and at the same time prevents any other solicitations…and of course, flame wars… :smiley:

P.S. Sorry, about me starting this thread…will keep all my stuff only on my blogging site…once again Dori, sorry about it all…just delete this whole thread…its just nonsense to keep it here and have others waste their time reading over it…its not useful info

AAKP has a store on their site now, and they’re older than all of ours. :smiley:

Thanks for the suggestion, Bill, we’ll think about it. And I’ll sleep on whether to go back and delete some of those posts, guys.

But that’s my point Dori, NOW they have a store, how long have they had the store? I’ve had my store online for 10 months. But that really doesn’t matter.

Dori, honestly if you delete my posts it would be just another example of why I started my site in the first place. Posts should not be deleted unless they contain vulgar language or obscene material. You deleting the posts of this thread is just another form of censorship. I have nothing to hide, gus on the other hand is embarrassed, which is why he wants this thread gone asap. Gus and I had a debate, we used no obscene language and it is now pretty much over. My site is gaining much popularity, we have for 4 months in a row averaged 1 new member a day and have had over 80,000+ hits this month alone. The reason is, people relize that they can speak their mind on my site with out fear of moderation. I truly hope you don’t silence me yet again, by deleting this thread or my posts.

  • Epoman

We average about 1.8 milion hits/month on Home Dialysis Central.

Unique visitors is a better statistic–although it’s not perfect either, because if people check back in and their ISP uses a different IP address each time, they can count multiple times–or a portal like AOL may “mask” hundreds or even thousands of visitors by giving them all the same IP address…

Dori, I was not comparing my sites hits to yours, there is no comparsion. I was simply stating that my site is growing very steadily, and the time will come when my site hits the million+ average mark.

I do find it strange though, that after all that I wrote to you expressing my feelings, you just throw stats at me. :frowning:

  • Epoman

How about you both shutup and grow up. Anyone can have a website and put whatever the hell they want on it. Most forums have many of the topics that are on ihatedialysis.com, they may not be exactly the same wording, but are for the same purpose. If gus copied well so be it (Im not saying he did or didnt), I wouldnt get your knickers in a knot about it.

AMEN, I ALREADY DID… :slight_smile:

:roll: Who said ANYTHING about Topics? I hate people who jump right in and post and not read the ENTIRE thread before they reply. This had nothing to do with TOPICS or THREADS or MESSAGES. :roll:

  • Epoman

I hate people who…

Seems a bit extreme.

We will not tolerate flames on these Boards. Their purpose is to provide information and support–not expose people to personal attacks. I’m locking this thread and don’t want to see any similar posts in the future.