
A question came up on “Australian Dialysis Buddies” site that I thought I might post here as well to get any ideas you guys might have.

Both the poster and myself have had occasional episodes (definitely not related to taking too much fluid off or a drop in blood pressure) of feeling particularly lightheaded when lying down at night and have difficulty in focusing and feeling"spinny" (without the benefit of illegal drugs LOL).

This is not straight after a dialysis session and does not feel the same as when one is about to faint from overdoing the fluid removal. It feels almost like the saying 'seeing stars"

Anyone else experience this or any other ideas of if it could be related to metabolism changes due to dialysis, kidney failure perhaps??

It is either vertigo or non-vertigo related according to this site I just found:

I had a case of vertigo once. It was really weird. I went to get out of bed and all of a sudden it seemed like the room was upside down. It caused me to sort of fall over to one side.This only happened to me that one day and I did not have a repeat. Think this was before I was on dialysis. Never did find out what caused it at the time, but have since read a little about vertigo. Skimming the site given it says dizziness can be related to anemia. Quite a lot of info on the subject- looks very interesting.

Hi y’all, beats me what this is, so I Googled “seeing stars” and here’s an MD response that might have some useful info:

"There can be several causes of seeing flashing lights.
– Sometimes, flashing lights or jagged moving lights can be associated with migraine headaches. Usually these flashing lights occur prior to the headache and are in both eyes; however, there can be migraines with no flashing lights and only headaches or migranies with only flashing lights and no headaches (ophthalmic migraines).

– Flashing lights can also be caused by pulling on the retina. This can be associated with floaters. In this case, the symptoms are usually in one eye at a time. Anyone with new floaters and floaters should see an ophthalmologist to have his or her retinas examined.

– Flashing lights may occur if one exercises too hard, as blood can be shunted away from certain parts of the brain and the eye to muscles. In this situation, one should try to stop exercising and see if the flashing lights stop.

It is difficult to provide more specific information without examining you. I think you should see either your ophthalmologist or primary care physician for further evaluation.

This information is provided for educational purposes only. You should see your physician for specific diagnostic and treatment options."

I don’t know that this is anything to worry about, Beachy, but it couldn’t hurt to ask your neph about it.

Re: Vertigo, I’ve had this. It’s EXTREMELY wierd–you just wake up one day, sit up in bed, and topple over because the room is spinning. This is generally “benign positional vertigo” (BPV) and it’s caused by crystals in the inner ear that settle into one spot instead of free-floating as they should. One ear is affected, and you can figure out which one it is by lying in bed and slowly turning your head to one side and then the other. The side that makes the room spin is the problem one.

In a doctor’s office, they will “fix” the problem by having you lie down and turning your head from side and then sleep on the NOT affected side for a couple of weeks. This gets the crystals back into free float and “poof!” the problem is gone.

Thanks heaps Jane and Dori!
I reckon the vertigo scenario is probably what it is and it could be anemia related too as that is a distinct possibility from the looks of my last blood results.