New Life

Considering I thought I was not-long-for-this-world, a couple of years back, this particular ‘dead man walking’ is rapt to announce he is now a grandad !!! :smiley: Little (3.5kg…58cm) Gwyneth was born at Gold Coast’s Southport hospital by caesarian on Wednesday lunchtime. I was holding the little bundle late arvo on Thurs. So thank you nocturnal dialysis for giving me new life, in more ways than one!! :lol:

Ohhhh, a new granddaughter, how wonderful! Congratulations! :smiley:

Cheers Bear! Congrats for life!
Now that you started this thread I want to also give thanks to the dialysis/renal community for giving us a chance of life! Thank you! :smiley:

Congrats, Bear!
There are many great experiences in life, but nothing as fun as a new grand baby. Enjoy her! And I, too, thank those who make it possible for us to have better txs so we can live with more health/comfort and fulfill our destiny.

:stuck_out_tongue: Grandpa Bear has a nice ring to it doesn’t it! Congratulations and may you see many more Grandkids.

Grandpa Bear, That is just wonderful.

GrandBaby Bear

Congratulation to Grandpa Bear. Does have a nice ring to it! Beautiful baby - may she have great happiness in her life! Congrats to her parents too!

Hi Grandpa Bear, :slight_smile: CONGRATULATIONS. she looks adorable. May you get to see many more Grandchildren in your lifetime. I am sure you will because you have a great attitude to life. :slight_smile:
cheers Queenie.