No taste in foods

I expect to be on PD within the next few months due to kidney failure. Am choosing pd as compared to HD for mobility reasons. My question is…when I eat, all my food tastes like cardboard. that includes liquids such as tea and coffee. Everything tastes the same. Does anyone have a remedy for this problem? I also seem to have a sick feeling in my stomach after I eat or drink. Any help, please. I love to eat but can’t handle this.
Thanks to all

[QUOTE=Bob O’Hara;13227]I expect to be on PD within the next few months due to kidney failure. Am choosing pd as compared to HD for mobility reasons. My question is…when I eat, all my food tastes like cardboard. that includes liquids such as tea and coffee. Everything tastes the same. Does anyone have a remedy for this problem? I also seem to have a sick feeling in my stomach after I eat or drink. Any help, please. I love to eat but can’t handle this.
Thanks to all

Dear Bob,
I remember my husband was the same as you before he went onto PD. It really helped him. He says now he can never remember feeling so sick as he did when he was waiting to start PD. The Nephrologist prescribed Sodibic which are sodium bicarbonate capsules, that helped a little while he was waiting for his catheter and fistula.
So just look forward to starting your PD you will feel much better and have an appetite again.
My husband lost so much weight but has gained about 6 Kgs in the two years he has been on PD. It is good and he looks well.
Good Luck

Bob, uremia–a buildup of toxins in your blood because your kidneys aren’t working–can cause loss of appetite and a metallic taste in the mouth. I haven’t heard it described before as “everything tastes the same,” but that could be the effect of it. I think that Elaine is right, and once you start getting some renal replacement (in your case, PD), you will start to feel better.

Do you have other symptoms of uremia, like:
– Itching
– Ammonia breath
– Headache
– Loss of energy
– Muscle twitches or cramps
– Fuzzy thinking
– Sore gums or cracks in the corner of your mouth
– Shortness of breath
– Yellow skin tone
– Loss of sex drive

If you start to have a number of symptoms, you and your doctor may want to decide to begin PD earlier rather than later.

Guess I’m just lucky. No other problems at this time.I thank you and Elain for your responses.
Thank you, Bob

Does the sodium bicarb really work for you when you can’t taste your foods? and do I need a script to get it? thanks

Sodium Bicarb is the same thing as baking soda. When I first started taking it, my pharmacist recommended baking soda bc it’s cheaper. I don’t remember how much is equal to each pill, but I’m sure your doctor or pharmacist would know!