Nocturnal Dailey HD vs Nocturnal Dailey HDF? Pros/Cons?


I’m a young adult (23 years of age). A year ago I started dialysis. I’m almost finished with my home training and am keen for nocturnal dialysis however I can’t seem to find much information about the benefits of nocturnal HDF. More specifically I would like to run HDF at a very gentle and slow blood flow rate. Is there a difference between nocturnal HD and HDF? Do I have to run blood flow faster on HDF?

General information on which would be better for me to do would be appreciated. I’m considering doing 6x nocturnal HDF weekly for 8-9 hours.

Would really love an expert to educate me on this topic!

Hi PapaS, If you’re in the U.S., there has been limited use of HDF. However, recently Fresenius announced FDA approval of its 2008X machine and dialyzer that can do HDF. I suspect that at least for now this machine will be used for in-center dialysis, but you could contact Fresenius to ask when this treatment will be available for home dialysis. Here’s a press release: Fresenius Medical Care Brings Industry-Leading Dialysis Therapy to Kidney Disease Patients in the U.S., demonstrating Global Leadership in Medical Device and Membrane Engineering Technologies

I’m a social worker and definitely not an expert in this topic. However, there are multiple articles describing hemodiafiltration on the Home Dialysis Central website written by Dr. John Agar, a retired Australian nephrologist. Here are some links:

And there’s this post from a patient with videos and John Agar’s comments in 2020.

I hope this information is helpful.

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