PD not draining as much 😥

At start of PD 14 mths ago approx i was using 2 x227 bags and 1 x136 bags in uk… I was draining aporox 1000 - 13000 ml every night, now using same bags im only averaging 5-600ml a night. Ive had 3 cases of peritonitis over this time also… Got a fistula inserted 6 weeks ago.
I am taking water retention tablets, to try get water off) against docs advice) but im really really thirsty all time and cannot stop xrinking water… No diabetes btw…
Is this normal fluid removal, im 55 yr old man.
Thankyou :pray:

I’m not a doctor, but a social worker who worked in dialysis 18 years. If you’ve had multiple episodes of peritonitis, your peritoneal membrane may be scarred enough that it’s not transporting wastes and fluid from your bloodstream like it did before you had peritonitis. Did your doctor tell you why s/he would not recommend using diuretics in your situation? If not, I’d suggest asking as diuretics can have the side effect of thirst.

This Kidney School module on nutrition and fluids may give you some ideas of things you can do to control your thirst and limit your fluid intake.

Here are some tips from people on dialysis to help control fluid intake.

And here’s one from a professional:

I hope your fistula is maturing well. I bet you will feel better and have better fluid removal with hemodialysis. I’d strongly suggest you consider doing home HD to maintain the independence and scheduling flexibility you’ve had with PD. You might want to consider joining the Home Dialysis Central Facebook Group. It’s a closed, members only group so your posts are only seen by members. You just have to answer a few simple questions to be admitted to the group. It’s a highly interactive and supportive group with folks on PD and home HD as well as some with transplants and people working in dialysis. You can find it at Home Dialysis Central Discussion Group | Facebook.

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I want thankyou so much forvtaking the time to answer my questions, sovkind of you,
God blesd :pray:

I hear lots of problems with hemo fistula i was in clinic full of patients crying about fistula problems young and older people. 3 people died from clinic in one week. One bled to death before they got to Dr the fistula bursted. I am on hemo portacath in my neck waiting on APD i have learned how to do hemo at home. Machine messes up a lot. Been on for 3 months had to replace machine. The supplie bags have kinks in line Check all lines before starting a new bag… Forget doing a session if kinks are in any line until you fix the problem

Rwbing, are you switching to APD (cycler PD) from home HD? As you say, it’s important to make sure that all supplies look OK when setting up for PD or HHD. If anything doesn’t look right, contact your home training nurse and/or use new supplies. I’d also report to the company supplies that have kinks or other problems so they can review their processes for quality control.