PD recordkeeping / software

I created a database in MS Access for recording my CAPD exchanges, but was wondering if there was specifically any software made for this purpose? Any software geared to the PD patient?

I’m not aware of any that can record your CAPD information. If you do go to the APD cycler, they have a card that can keep track of your exchanges in the machine. You bring this card to your visit and the nurse should be able to look at all your data about the exchanges on their computer. Check to see if your unit has this capabilty if you chose to use the cycler.

As “guest” posted, machines used for automated peritoneal dialysis have cards in them that track treatments. A program developed by Baxter called RenalSoft helps physicians monitor their patients who have kidney damage but aren’t on dialysis as well as patients on HD and PD.

I am not aware of any software that has been developed for CAPD patients to help them track their treatments, their vital signs, their labs, etc. and I couldn’t find anything for CAPD patients in an Internet search. You might talk with your home dialysis nurse and see if she can talk with colleagues that use other companies’ supplies to see if there is anything. If not and you’re interested in developing something, ask PD patients what would help them do a better job of managing their PD. Anything that could help patients manage their health better would be much appreciated by patients and professionals alike.

I emailed my PD Database to a couple of people. I would like to know what you thought of it and how I could improve it.

I will probably be making a version 2.0 when I start CCPD next week.


I would like to receive it.

my e mail is amar_1_98@yahoo.com

Hello Kevin, I too would like to try your software. I’ve been on PD for 3 Years.

Thank You.

I have been keeping records in a table in MS Word. My PD nurse and Nephrologist think its great. I’d like a copy if you can send me.

Please email me your data…would love to see it. Thanks! Kekulalani@yahoo.com

Hi Kevin:
I too would like try… My e-mail is rose_e_delgado@hotmail.com :slight_smile:

Hi Kevin

I would also like to try your software!
my e-mail is jasperdog500@hotmail.com



I am new to this board. I would also like to try your software… jnowork@aol.com Thank you…

Dito, Kevin.
I’m new to this poard. I’ve been on PD since September of 2002. Love it. :smiley:
My e-mail address is hgregg1@bowie-cass.com