I am going to be a personal care assistant for a home dialysis friend. We know that Medicare does not pay for this assistant however Medicaid does. We are looking for the codes required to submit a claim to Medicaid. Since I may do this for another person also, do you have the codes for private insurance?
Thanks for all of your help.
I don’t know the insurance or Medicaid codes for personal care attendants. Even if it would pay for a home dialysis aide/helper, I don’t think Medicaid or an insurance company would pay an individual to do this. I suspect an insurance company would require the service to be provided through a company–either a dialysis facility or a home health agency–which is an approved provider with that insurance company or state Medicaid office.
Most of the people that do dialysis for a patient are family members or friends who volunteer. Sometimes dialysis facilities or home health agencies provide nurses or certified dialysis technicians to do dialysis treatments in a patient’s home. A patient care technician must receive training and take an exam provided by one of the Medicare-approved state or national certification organizations to become certified and they need to maintain that certification. Some states limit what unlicensed personnel can do. Anyone who does a home patient’s dialysis must receive training from the patient’s dialysis clinic and the dialysis facility’s home training nurse has to make sure the care partner comprehends all that he/she has learned and is competent to perform dialysis, keep accurate records, report problems, and handle any possible emergencies.