Staff Assisted home hemo

Hello, I am new to this site and I am trying to acquire as much information as possible about starting a small staff assisted home hemodialysis agency in NJ. Since Medicare still does not cover staff for home dialysis (unless in a nursing home facility) I know that it will need to be private pay but I was looking for more information on the types of insurance I will need to have to cover independent contractors for staff assisted HD.
Is there any programs that offer a more in-depth training with nxstage for healthcare providers?
Is there other home dialysis machines approved for at home use in United States other than nxstage?

Medicare only reimburses dialysis clinics that are certified to provide home dialysis for the dialysis treatments. All home dialysis patients must be followed by a dialysis clinic that is Medicare-certified. The dialysis clinic that provides home PD or HD chooses the machine(s) patients use. Most home HD patients use the NxStage machine by Fresenius, but some patients use Outset’s Tablo machine. Another machine by Quanta is not yet FDA-approved for home use. You can read about home HD and PD machines at Machines & Supplies - Home Dialysis Central.

As you said, staff-assisted dialysis is currently not Medicare covered or reimbursed. Some commercial insurance and long-term care insurance may cover it. The Veterans Administration may cover it for some veterans.

So far as what insurance you would have to have to cover personnel who would perform the dialysis treatments, I’d suggest you talk with an insurance broker.

There are dialysis technician training programs that train some patient care technicians. Many patient care technicians are trained by dialysis clinics. Those working in dialysis clinics must pass a CMS-approved certification exam within 18 months of their hire date according to the ESRD Conditions for Coverage (dialysis regulations). Here’s a link to the Interpretive Guidance that includes the regulation text and CMS’ interpretation of it for surveyors who do a site visit to approve dialysis clinics’ in-center and home programs.

Although family members and friends can be trained to help with and/or perform a patient’s home HD or PD treatment, IMO it would be best for a business that is providing staff-assisted dialysis to use trained nurses or certified patient care technicians.

If you’re wanting to set up a new business to offer staff-assisted home dialysis, I’d suggest you talk with the NJ Department of Health. You might also want to reach out to dialysis clinics/companies to see if they would refer patients to your agency for staff-assisted home dialysis if you set one up.