Staff infection

I have a family member that was on home dialysis and recently contacted a infection that caused her to be in the hospital for over a week and left her unable to walk or resume her previous lifestyle for quite sometime. At the time of this writing she has just started to be able to walk for a short time without the use of a walker or wheelchair.

At the time that she was hopitalized so was a fellow home dialysis patient, with the same problem. He contacted his infection while training to use the machine. All fluids and meds were tested, the results are not known at this time.

I would be interested in any and all information in regards to this.

Staph (not staff) infections are common in any form of dialysis. Staphylococcus aureus bacteria live on the surface of the skin. If the skin is not cleaned off well enough before putting a needle through it, the needle can pull bacteria from the skin into the bloodstream, where it can cause an infection.

Some people are “carriers” of staph aureus in their noses, and every time they breathe or sneeze, they spray the bacteria into the air, where it can land on the dialysis access. If this problem is identified, an antibiotic ointment can be used in the nose to help prevent infection.

There is nothing about a staph infection that has anything to do with HOME dialysis specifically–it is just as likely to occur in a dialysis clinic as outside of it.

Its definitely important to wash your fistula site as you were taught, prior to dialysing. What is your regime? I firstly wash it well with antimicrobial soap, then wipe with alco wipes and then another antiseptic that is supposed to last for about 9 hours.