To doris

Hi Doris

Yup a little lost (new) using this board but we’ll figure it out ! Yes we’ve been to this site along with a multitude of others for about 9 months now …putting the collected information in order … when I talk with someone I’m not comfortable beeing a lame duck… like to know what’s going on. the more info the better for Jessie’s sake.

I was refering to “The Topic of the Month” May 2006 and the study being started out by National Institute of Healthand and Frequent Hemodialysis Network…

From what Ive gathered these kind of studies have been going on for sometime now … at Geelong in Australia ( Geelong Experience, started in 2001) headed up by John Agar, the person who was kind enough to turn me on to this board. I’ve gathered from John that he got his inspiration to start the project from Drs Robert Udall ( God bless him ) and Andreas Pierratos from Toronto (Humber, the spiritual heart of NHHD). By the way Jessie will be seeing Andreas, at Humber, in the real near future. I quess the question is why in the hell another study when the data and writing on the wall is clear…that nocturnal and home dialysis are proven to be “Optimal” except for transplant.

Richard /Jessie’s Dad and advocate