Vibrations in feet and arms

From the last few weeks, time and again, I’ve been having this feeling where I feel my feet are vibrating.

I get this feeling in my arms too especially when I sleep on them.

Does anyone else have this? Is this related to dialysis?


It sounds like my neuropathy in the feet when it starts up and then it’ll intensify. When we cut off the circulation an the arm for instance, we say that the arm “went to sleep”. Do you use that phrase? If it is neuropathy then it is likely related to your stage 5 ckd.

Yep, neuropathy would be my first guess, but I would describe it more as numbness rather than vibrations. When my neuropathy first started about a year after beginning dialysis, I thought it was athlete’s feet. But as time went on it became apparent it was something else. Do your feer feel worse at night when sleeping? Do they feel colder sometimes and feel like they are burning other times. Unfortunately renal failure can cause nerve dmage which is the cause of neuropathy. You can have an electromyography (EMG) or nerve conduction studies (NCS) to determine if there is nerve damage. I have been taking increasing dosages of neurontin (gabapetin) for the last few years to combat it and always wear socks to bed. There have been times it has almost been debilitating.

Yes, there is numbness too. And its only in my left foot. Does neurontin help?


I would be unusual to have it in one foot and not the other. Usually neuropathy is bi-lateral. Is it all the time? or worse at certain times?

Its not all the time. Its more during the later part of the day.

Have you had any studies of the blood circulation or the nerves in your arms and legs? One way to test for blood circulation is for the doctor to do a doppler study. To test for nerve damage they can do nerve conduction studies.

No, I have not yet done any tests. I’m going to visit my neph soon to see what he says.

Kamalshah does it matter if you’ve been on your feet v. sitting? For me the neuropathy starts after walking about 10 - 15 minutes and then increases in intensity the longer I am on my feet. By the end of a long walk both feel are buzzing with heat, or vibrating - not sure how to describe the sensation - it is unpleasant.

Does anyone else experience neuropathy on one side of the body and not in another? Mine seems equally distributed between my right and left feet.

For me, it is more while sitting or lying down. Rarely while walking. Again, I don’t know if this is neuropathy. It is a numb sensation with a feeling of vibrations. Don’t know how to describe it better!

But definitely in my left arm, hand and foot. Nothing on the right. By the way, I have my fistula on my left arm. Don’t know if this is relevant though.

It shouldn’t matter as where your AVF is located if what you have is neuropathy since that is a nerve condition. However I do sometimes feel it more on one side more than the other. That occurs especially while I’m driving and my right foot is more affected since that’s the foot I use. There have been times when I should have pulled off the road because I felt like I could lose total control of the pedals or because I was in such pain. I have often thought that my neuropathy is the worst condition I have. Also when I start dialysis, my right foot seems to get a bit more numb. I think that might be related to the draw of blood from my extremities.

[quote=kamalshah20;14825]From the last few weeks, time and again, I’ve been having this feeling where I feel my feet are vibrating.

I get this feeling in my arms too especially when I sleep on them.

Does anyone else have this? Is this related to dialysis?


Yes, happens here…in my case its mostly the carpal tunnel/nerve damage…also noticed that it happens when pottasium goes too high or too low…imbalance of blood chemistry.

I think best bet is to consult with your Doctor, it can really be anything.